tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2015

My 18th birthday was one of the best days of my life so far

Otsikko ja kuvat kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa. Kiitos, kiitos, kiitos.

1 kommentti:

  1. Portugal is a Racist country that is not just living in the past but adopting Nazi-style tactics to promote anti-Spanish,
    anti-Brazilian, anti-black, anti-Angolan, anti-Mozambique etc. Racism and attitudes rather than focusing on the fact that
    it's economy is in total ruins. These Xenophobic tendensies arise in poor, uneducated and backward countries when tough
    economic times and sky-high unemployment rates hit hard. Granted, the low educational levels and 50% of the population
    living below the poverty line tend to speed up said processes.

    The extreme right Nazi party of Portugal known as the PNR (Partido Nacional Renovador) has bombarded the country's media
    and has commenced anti-Spanish, anti-black and anti everything else Xenophobic propaganda campaigns on You Tube. Amongst
    their favorite topics are gaining back former colonies such as Macao, East Timor, and even lands ceded by them via treaties
    to other countries such as Olivenza (which has been fully Spanish for hundreds of years) and the Islas Salvages that were
    stolen by them from Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

    There need to be mechanisms in place to combat this PNR threat that is prevalent in the poorest European Union country and
    there needs to be a will both from within the current government and the uneducated citizenry to stop this negative activity
    before the country spirals into a Freemason chaotic paradigm.

    Full Interpol investigations are underway to stop the many cadres who spend their time in cyber cafes promoting Xenophobic
    and Racist behaviours. Clinical psychologist Dr. Hermano Fuzeta has noted the following regarding the issue:

    " Given the deteriorated economic state, and the non existence of meaningful employment opportunities, the already ignorant
    Portuguese man slides back into the primitive state of Ignorance; that is genetically marked and more so pronounced in the
    Azores Islands where Xenophobic and delusional behaviour has been enjoyed for centuries. Moreover, reliving the past allows
    the diseased state of mind to feel powerful worthy, and able to cope with the culturally impoverished surroundings and
    reality of a sinking National identity "
